Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC) for Dive Emergencies
Duration: 16hrs
Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC) for Dive Emergencies
This two day (16hr) course is designed for those with current first aid qualifications who require advanced pre-hospital emergency care training managing dive emergencies in a remote setting. Emphasis on this course is the development of advanced emergency care skills that maybe required to deal with a variety of emergencies in a remote setting by maritime employees, commercial divers, and recreational divers operating in a remote setting.
Topics include advanced resuscitation (NZRC Level 4) and use of advanced emergency care techniques to manage a serious injured or ill person and provide treatment utilizing a range of pre-hopsital emergency care equipment usually used by paramedics and medical teams.
Instruction is provided by internationally accredited dive and hyperbaric medical specialists and medics trained and experienced in providing intensive care level emergency management in remote settings where MEDEVAC maybe delayed by usual standards.
- Basic Life Support (Adult/child CPR) Level 4
- Use of bag-valve-mask resuscitator and oxygen delivery devices (DAN demand valve)
- Use of advanced airway devices (Suction devices, OPA/LMA airways)
- Use of AEDs
- Use of oxygen delivery devices including 100% Demand valve (DAN Oxygen system)
- Recording vitals signs (SPO2 and blood pressure monitoring)
- Use of tourniquets (CAT), Israeli bandages and hemostatic dressing in case of massive hemorrhage
- Use of pelvic splints (SAM pelvic splint)
- Use of SAM splints and advanced splinting techniques for fractures
- Use of Methoxyflurane inhaled pain relief
- Administration of S/C fluids
- Administration of EPI-Pen and IM injections (adrenaline)
- Principles of effective crisis management and crew resource management
- Management of dive related emergencies (Drowning, barotrauma, decompression illness)
- Principles of recompression and hyperbaric therapy