Course Manuals
Required reading for the NZRC CORE Advanced and CORE Immediate courses can be purchased direct from the NZRC. We hold a small stock of texts available upon request for course participants to rent for the course duration should they elect not to purchase the text book
CORE Immediate Providers
The recommended text for health professionals completing the CORE Immediate course is "Resuscitation- A guide for Health Professionals, 1st Edition."
Cost: $70.00 (including GST) +PP
CORE Advanced Providers
The recommended text for those completing a CORE Advanced Course is " "Resuscitation- A guide for Advanced Rescuers, 1st Edition. ". This is required three week pre-reading.
Cost: $94.00 (including GST) +PP
Accredited training provider of
The course was very well organised with emphasis on practical skills in a logical sequence through-out the day. There was good opportunity for questions and discussion following each module and informative and positive debriefing ...
EMT St.John Ambulance
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