Clinical Support

Help is only a phone call away. Being a Resuscitation Skills customer means more to us than just attending a course, we're all about long-term relationships. We want to hear about your successful cases and also the ones that didn't quite go according to plan. If you need help with logistics, such as where to source new or replacement equipment, or need assistance with facility layout and design, help is only a phone call away. That's why we provide free clinical support to our customers via email or an 0800 helpline between the hours of 0800-2200, seven days a week. Please note this service cannot be used for clinical advice during an emergency.

Critical Incident Debriefing

We all know critical incidents by their very nature never run totally according to plan. Once the crisis has passed however, clinicians can have feelings of inadequacy that the incident appeared disorganised or lacked direction, equipment was missing, malfunctioned or staff did not know how to use it, and ultimately that there was something more they could have done for the patient. These feelings are very normal, human responses after any emergency situation.

Through our clinical support network we offer the ability to discuss the incident with an experienced resuscitation practitioner who can assist in the debriefing process to identify systems, training and equipment-related issues. This can be done on the phone immediately after the incident (a technique known as defusing), or we will visit your clinic and conduct a debrief with everyone involved. In most cases there are very few areas for improvement identified and just knowing that everything that could have been done, was done, provides a great deal of reassurance to everyone concerned. There is no charge for this confidential service.

Equipment and Facility Advice

Are you in need of a new or replacement:

  • Manual or Automated External Defibrillator
  • Stretcher or Treatment Bed
  • Bag Mask Resuscitator
  • Oxygen Regulator
  • Suction Unit
  • Pulse Oximeter or Patient Monitor
  • Advanced Airway Adjunct
  • Resuscitation Trolley
  • Intraosseous Drill
  • Response Pack

Based on years of clinical experience we can refer you direct to the supplier of the product that we think will best meet your clinical needs. By cutting out the middle-man we hope to save you time and money. We only recommend equipment that we currently have in our own personal kit, or would trust to use in our own clinical practice. The suppliers that we do business with sell high-quality products, provide comprehensive support and excellent customer service. We can also advise you on where to find those consumable items that may be difficult to source given how infrequently they are used.

If you are opening a new facility, or considering refurbishing your existing one we provide free advice on resuscitation room layout and equipment, crash trolley setup, and of course training for staff. We can provide advice during the concept and design phase, make immediate recommendations on equipment purchases, and conduct emergency response system audits as required.

Accredited training provider of


Well run. Good structure and time allocation. Some new things learnt today prepared to previous courses. Would recommend to others
PGY1 House Officer Middlemore Hospital
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