Basic Life Support Courses

Get the fundamentals right and develop your resuscitation skills in a dynamic, practical learning environment. Our Basic Life Support courses deliver resuscitation skills for health professionals (level 4) or non-clinical staff (level 2) in as little as 1.5 hours.

These courses are suitable for all health professionals and non-clinical staff requiring training and development in the skills to perform Basic Life Support within a healthcare context and participate as an effective member of a resuscitation team.

 Not only are the fundamental skills of resuscitation taught but there is an emphasis on good team work practices and coordination of the skills and resources used in cardiac arrest and peri-arrest situations. Courses are delivered at a purpose built training facility or on-site at your facility. 

A-PHEC: Health Professionals

Duration: 8hrs

This course is designed for health professionals such as registered nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals such as healthcare & dental assistants. Topics include first aid (NZQA US 6402,6401,6400) as well as more advanced skills in resuscitation: Bag-mask-resuscitators, oxygen therapy, use of OPAs/SGA, management of anaphylaxis and cardiac arrest.

BLS for Health Professionals

Duration: 3 hours

This course is suitable for nurses working in low-acuity settings where a cardiac arrest team is available on-site, vaccinators, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals that may have to provide basic life support ("level 4") until a medical help arrives. It is ideal as an annual refresher course to maintain good basic life support skills or meet the training requirements to hold a vaccinators certificate (Nurses and Pharmacists).

CPR for Non-clinical Staff (Level 2)

Duration: 1.5 hours

This course is suitable for allied medical staff who work in a non-clinical role such as medical receptionists, administrators, support workers, and any one else who may be exposed to the potential of medical emergencies because of their work in the health industry. This price is based on a group booking of up to 12 people.

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I found the refresher course excellent and felt my understanding of the procedures better and more comfortable in case of an emergency. Very informative and well explained. Thanks
Registered Nurse- surgical services Auckland
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