Pre-course e-learning makes an impact on course quality

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Pre-Course Learning Makes Impact

Our online pre-course learning package was implemented over a month ago and our results to date prove this learning strategy is making an impact.

All course participants gain access to the package when they enroll on any of our advanced life support courses. The software sends as progress updates so we can see a participant's progress and their over all results.

Material includes:

  • Review of the basic life support guidelines
  • Review of Anaphylaxis management
  • ECG recognition
  • A 50 question assessment that provides instant results and prompts/ links to material for further learning needs if required

What we've noticed

  • Less need to discuss changes to basic life support means more hands on practice
  • Less need to review recognition of life threatening arrhythmia means more time in simulation
  • A great under standing of the management of anaphylaxis means improved management during simulation (including earlier administration of adrenaline, statement of stridor and more complex management such as inotropic support implemented)
  • An opportunity to immediately practice effective team leadership tools during simulation from knowledge gained prior to attending course


Here's some feedback from recent participants:

...pre-course online reading is very helpful.

Useful use of pre-course e-learning material, more hands on time.

...on-line ECG was great

The quiz was good- perhaps some recommended links relevant to particular questions maybe helpful

Pre-course material was very useful. It had precise information and easy to remember. ECG video easy to follow and remember.

The Future

We're adding more and more modules to our pre-course package. The vision is to dramatically increase hands on simulation time during our courses and enhance individual performance as well as develop team performance. Remember once participants are enrolled, access to the material is open and on going meaning participants can visit the package as often as the desire to refresh knowledge at any time.

Check out our Free sample packages




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