BLS for Health Professionals
Duration: 3 hours
This course is designed for what previously known as "level 4" providers. This course is suitable for nurses working in low-acuity settings where a cardiac arrest team is available on-site, vaccinators, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals that may have to provide basic life support until medical help arrives. Participants can gain certification by attending a designated BLS for Health Professional Course or by attending the first 3hrs of an open Advanced Life Support refresher course and completing a comprehensive e-learning package. This course covers the requirements for vaccinators as per the Ministry of Health guidelines with learning content covering the management of anaphylaxis.
- Adult, child and infant CPR
- Use of oropharyngeal airways
- Use of Supraglottic airways (LMA's/Igel)
- 2-person use of a bag-mask resuscitator
- Use of an AED
- ECG monitoring and assisting with manual defibrillation
- Adult, child and infant choking
- Preparation of emergency drugs
- Principles of good team work during cardiac arrest
- Management of anaphylaxis